A Few Tips for Travelling in Colombia

Posted on 16/06/2013


Uncover Colombia | Travel Blog

In this post, I am going to share with you a few tips and recommendations I think you should keep in mind when traveling in Colombia. Hopefully, these tips will help make your trip a little easier.

1. Learn some Spanish!

This recommendation may seem a bit obvious to some of you, but I have come across my fair number of tourists in Colombia who have no knowledge of Spanish, not even basic, “survival Spanish.” Colombia’s national language is Spanish and while there are many Colombians who speak some English, it is wrong to assume that all Colombians will understand English. It’s possible to “get by” in Colombia with no Spanish, but even just a little Spanish will go a long way. So, do whatever you need to do to brush up on some Spanish—hire a private tutor, take a class at a local university, download some podcasts, or…

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